
Yearly Archives: 2019

Teacher’s Workshop: Understanding religious lives through story.

It’s been a while since I’ve found myself acting alongside a colleague in a scene of domestic tension, then being asked to reflect with others on what this tells us about religious ideas and practices. Focused discussions and lots of laughter featured strongly at a recent CPD workshop for teachers at Manchester University. The workshop explored stories of lives changed by religious encounters between Christians, Hindus, Parsis and others in colonial India.  The workshop was distinctive because it featured stories of religious encounter ‘from below,’ written by Indians and translated from different languages into English.  Whilst it is not too difficult to find first-hand accounts of such encounters written by Christian missionaries,

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Recent Publication: Translation of a Marathi Conversion Narrative

The Subhedar’s Son: A Narrative of Brahmin Christian Conversion from Nineteenth Century Maharashtra

Deepra Dandekar (Ph.D.) Researcher, Center for the History of Emotions, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin

The Subhedar’s Son: A Narrative of Brahmin-Christian Conversion from Nineteenth Century Maharashtra published by the AAR Series of Religion in Translation, OUP (NY) in 2019, is an introduced and annotated English translation of the Marathi book Subhedārachā Putra written by Rev. D.S. Sawarkar (1867-1952), an educationist and Christian reformer. The original Marathi book published in 1895 by the Bombay Tract and Book Society is a novelized version of D.S.

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Narratives of awakening: A Linguistics of Religion approach 2

Guest Post: Wolf-Andreas Liebert,
Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz

New media breaks through familiar narrative patterns

Let me move next to sequences of a published
movie titled “Satori” (OpenSkyFilms 2013). The Film is about a
woman’s awakening in a small spiritual community. The documentary narrates not
only the story retrospectively but includes material filmed during the
awakening process.

In Zen Buddhism,
Satori means a sudden insight into the nature of mind beyond rationality and
language. The traditional sitting meditation (Zazen) or paradoxical
interventions (Koans) are regarded as enabling conditions for a Satori.
Although the term “Satori”

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Narratives of awakening. A Linguistics of Religion approach 1

Guest post: Wolf-Andreas Liebert,
Universität Koblenz-Landau, Campus Koblenz

Conversion or awakening?

Studies seem to show that conversion
narratives always follow the same pattern of crisis, extraordinary experience,
and a revision of life concepts. We already find that in William James (1917).
But what religion means today has radically changed: many people get involved
in loose networks via social media, attach importance to individualisation and
are sceptical or even hostile towards traditional religions. Thus a religiosity
and spirituality have developed that is globally networked but very heterogeneous
and informal (cf. Hanegraaff 2015).

Are conversion
narratives here still the same as we know them from traditional religious

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